Sunday, December 22, 2019

"Pastel Grunge Tarot" Card Meanings Book - Online Version

Card meanings for the “Pastel Grunge” Tarot deck.
As written and illustrated by Maika Maher.

Copyright Maika R Maher,

Major Arcana

0) The Fool
Japanese Kanji Meaning, Beginning.
Taking Risks, leap of faith, new beginnings, planet correspondence Uranus, elemental symbol Air.

1) The Magician
Master of the craft, spiritual learning or skill set achieved, planet correspondence Mercury

2) The High Priestess
Balance, secret knowledge, inner warrior, Goddess Athena

3) The Empress
Creativity, inspiration, motherhood, wisdom, guidance, abundance, Venus

4) The Emperor
Ambition, father figure, tom cat energy, responsibility. It's not dead until you say so.

5) The Hierophant
Tradition, spirituality, third eye chakra, dream state

6) The Lovers
Love comes in many forms, never shy away from your feelings no matter what others say.

7) The Chariot
Charge into battle with an open heart, rags to riches, victory, overcoming obstacles

8) Strength
Mind over Matter, strength of character, be true to yourself, Leo energy

9) The Hermit
Dark night of the soul, introspection, illumination, Shadow work

10) Wheel of Fortune
Luck, Life cycles, all the elements, unity, balance

11) Justice
Balance, medical health, truth, natural law, Libra energy

12) Hanged Man
Look at life from a different perspective, playful energy, open minded

13) Death
Death comes for everything at some point, animals, people, paper, moments in our life, computer data. everything has an expiration date. Don't fight the change.

14) Temperance
Red thread of fate, Divine energy, harmony, nothing is impossible.

15) The Devil
Spiritual awakening, inner demons, black magic, sexual desire, unity of the masculine and feminine.

16) The Tower
Destroy to make room for the new. Acts of divine love, shocking and immediate change, freedom, liberation

17) The Star
Self confidence, inspiration, creativity, good luck, intellect

18) The Moon
Psychic messages, howl your truths at the moon, be yourself no matter what the world thinks. Stand in your truth.

19) The Sun
Accomplishment, warmth, enlightenment, bleeding soul, showing your brightness to the world.

20) Judgement
Introspection, Legal ruling, courthouse, rebirth, the hand of the gods

21) The World
Infinite possibilities, world in your hands, angel of death to bring rebirth to new beginnings.

Minor Arcana

Suit of Cups
Element of Water
Emotions and Creativity

1) Purity, joy, fulfillment, fertility

2) Twin flame, harmony, sacred union, shadow work, soulmate

3) Friendship, joy, celebration, soul groups, partying

4) Contemplation, emotional weariness, awakening, restfulness, anxiety, anti-social

5) Loss, Better times ahead, look at the glass as half full

6) Living in the past, reminiscing, child-like, reunion

7) Wishfulness, dreams, confidence, deception, what you want might not be what you need.

8) Escapism, abandonment, loneliness, be trail

9) Hoarding, greed, wishes fulfilled, satisfaction

10) Insight, artistry, LGBTQ+ pride, strong connections, happy endings

Page) This misfit doll encourages you to push on though your energy blocks no matter the obstacles in your way. Failure is a state of mind that you can push past with determination.

Knight) The messenger of emotional strength and guidance.

Queen) She has her life in order, happy, healthy, and ready for some rest. Take it easy, emotions can run high at times, but the water calms eventually.

King) This king is a transgender man who is calm and in control of his emotions dispite his past hardship, able to share his love and experience with pain with the ones that ask for it.

Suit of Pentacles
Element of Earth
Spiritual and Physical Wealth

1) God Genesha energy, creativity, wealth, wisdom

2) Juggling of responsibility, balance between career and enjoyment, go with the flow

3)  Playfulness, mistaken luck, follow your dreams

4) Greed, always wanting more, unsatisfied, alone

5) Dark night of the soul, lack of luck, detachment, grief

6) Share your wealth, guardians watching, just rewards

7) Reaping what you sow, visionary, stability, seeing plans through to the end

8) Hard work paying off, perfection, quality over quantity

9) Independence, investments, business deals going through

10) Family, true wealth, love, loss, ancestor's insight

Page) Quest for the wealth of wisdom, youthful energies

Knight) Reputation, reliability to follow through, stability

Queen) Bountiful, has all she could wish for and more, Mother Earth, manipulation

King) Power, prosperity, control, knows what he is meant to do

Suit of Swords
Element of Fire
Creation, destruction, transformation

1) Raw power, victory, duality

2) Information overload, limited communication, blindness, binding, indecision

3) Heartache, painful release, too emotional

4) Introspection, release, self-reflection, solitude, death, grief, time to heal

5) Winning at all cost, cowardliness, greed, self-destruction

6) Ferry of soul, new home, feeling trapped, deliverer, guided path

7) Deception, feeling different then the rest, outcast, blending in, self guarding. The mask the alien uses is to hide his identity from the world, maybe even himself.

8) Binding, suffocation, feeling wrong, blind

9) Lonely, nightmares, depression, self-guilt

10) Defeat, depression, unmotivated, boredom, lost, self-harm

Page) Unkept promises, feeling of defeat but having the energy to push on

Knight) Courage in action, fearlessness, light in the fog

Queen) Quick-wit, malicious intent, control over the situation, rebirth from the ashes, fiery passion

King) Control, firmly planted roots, wise, life and death duality

Suit of Wands
Element of Air
Action and willpower

1) Mix of fire in the passion of starting over when broken down to the bare bones of a situation

2) Future planning, balance, facing fears, psychic energies

3) Waiting for something or someone, open minded, daydreaming

4) Peace, future planning, romance, wedding, unity

5) Conflict, hurt feelings, compromises

6) Moment of glory, progress, rags to riches

7) Courage to fight for one's own beliefs, victories, protecting, defense

8) Hope, trust, haste, forward thinking

9) Resolve, reaching your goals, growing
Finding your own light in spite of the darkness.

10) Effort, Sacrifices, hard work, pushing yourself

Page) Courage, Light weight, limited cares, freedom

Knight) Light hearted, High flying dreams, determination

Queen) Domination, control, need for nothing

King) Loyal, noble, dispassion, success but at what cost

Buy the deck here

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Pastel Grunge Tarot Deck

My tarot deck is finished!!

Will be up for sale later in the coming weeks!

Monday, December 2, 2019

X-Ray [photography art]

December 2, 2019

The insides of an arcade tech's head.

Media: RedMi camera, gallery editor

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Figure Painting

Figure Painting
November 16, 2019

Figure drawing with my girlfriend at her house.
This is a 5x7in canvas painting.

Media: board canvas, acrylic paint

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Monday, October 28, 2019

Kira Vaporwave Photography

Kira Vaporwave Photography
October 28, 2019

Digital art photography.
My art doll Kira and my new resin cast cat skull.

Media: photo app editors, RedMi camera

Friday, October 25, 2019

Kevin Maher Stone Rubbing

Kevin Maher Gravestone Rubbing
October 25, 2019

In honor of my pasted on father-in-law, Andrew and I went up to his grave today to get a stone rubbing for our family records. Both the front and the back of the stone.

Media: Charcoal, creame 55lb paper

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Death by Snu Snu | Shirt Commission

Death by Snu-Snu
October 20, 2019

Quote from Futurama.
Hand lettered and painted.
Cami shirt, size XXL made custom for my client.

Media: fabric paint, black Cami shirt, bleach

Monday, October 7, 2019

Friday, October 4, 2019

#Inktober Day 4 "Freeze"

Inktober Day 4 "freeze"
October 4, 2019

Maika Ice cream waffle cone cat!

Media: copics, prismacolor markers, pencil

Thursday, October 3, 2019

#inktober Day 3 "Bait"

#inktober Day 3 is BAIT

Here is Zest baiting Maika with catnip!
will be turned into a telegram sticker like all the other prompts!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

"Wisdom" ATC #306

September 14, 2019

Up for trade
Media: collage, washi tape

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Star Glitter ATC #305

"Star Glitter"
September 14, 2019

Traded to Alice

Media: collage

Thursday, September 12, 2019

IT Art Journal Page

IT Art Journal Page
September 12, 2019

media: movie tickets, copic markers, micron pens

3 of Spades - ATC #304

"3 of Spades"
September 10, 2019

Media: collage, highlighter

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Wooloo ATC #303

September 10, 2019

Media: pencil, copics and Prisma markers